Thursday, February 27, 2014

Elevation Polish Haleakala Swatches & Review

Thursday, February 27, 2014
Hello everyone!

I wore this amazing holo called Haleakala by Elevation Polish a few weeks ago.  It’s one of the most beautiful holographic polishes I’ve seen recently.  My nails were still oval here, but I thought this color was so flattering on them.


Haleakala is the loveliest shade of purple with a hint of red, and the formula is absolutely perfect in two coats.  The color is surprisingly bright, but also deep enough to be slightly vampy, and there is a faint gold shimmer in the base, which makes this polish so unique in my collection.  Haleakala also has a very strong holographic effect, which always makes me happy.  I am just head over heels in love with it!




It looks like Haleakala is sold out at the moment, which I can totally understand, but I highly suggest checking it out at the next restock, because it’s just gorgeous!

Thank you for reading! :)


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  1. I am drooling over your manicure, how can a polish be so fabulous, I can not take my eyes of it. Stunning swatch!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much! It’s definitely one of my favorite holographics in my collection! :)

  2. What a beautiful nailpolish! Btw, how do you keep your cuticles in such good condition? :o What products do you use? :)

    1. I have a detailed nail care routine here: .. It’s a bit old now, so I’ll probably do an updated one soon! I still use the Badger Cuticle Balm for my cuticles, but every single night I lather on the “be Delectable Coconut & Cream” hand cream that I bought at Target. I love anything with shea butter! :)

  3. This color is stunning! I wish EP was easier to obtain so I could add this to my collection as well! Guess I'm on the hunt for a similar shade :)

    1. You should be able to get it on one of the restocks (7th or 22nd), but I have a feeling this color will be around for a while too! :)


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